MAILINGS & SURVEYSIn order to accommodate the unique needs of our clients, we offer a variety of mailing and survey services. MVAS will reach out to your target audience through mailings and surveys (direct mail/email) that will reflect the overall objective and significance of your venture.
VOTER TARGETINGWith a variety of innovative ways to communicate, candidates need to be able to connect with their audience on a more personal level. With the use of multiple sources, MVAS will assist in personalizing voter contact with the use of phone banking, direct mail, surveys, town halls, and canvassing. In order to effectively communicate and reach the appropriate demographics, we are committed to finding the most innovative ways to reach constituents in this age of new media (i.e., twitter, facebook, etc.). After all, constituents are the lifeline of our democratic process, and with power in numbers constituents essentially determine campaign results.
ISSUE & POLICY DEVELOPMENTIn the social, political, and economic arena there is always room to improve upon policy. MVAS recognizes this, and will assist leaders with identifying those issues that are in need of enhancement. In order to provide the most relevant pros/cons on an issue, we will gather supporting data to ensure the end result would be most beneficial to addressing the issue.
With innovative ways to connect with constituents, we will strategically align staff and develop a plan that will support the most positive outcome for your campaign. It is our goal to develop tactful plans that will allow you to strictly represent the issues, and not politics as usual. This essentially allows the community to vote for the best candidate and not just another Democrat or Republican. MVAS will ensure your campaign needs are met with the utmost integrity.
"You can't lead the people if you don't love the people. You can't save the people if you don't serve the people."
- Cornel West